lunes, 23 de abril de 2007


  • SUMMARY: The author begins with his personal experience of an expedition to the Falklands.he tells us how forty years ago a minister at the Foreign Office was encouraged to persuade the islanders to be friendly to Argentina. This was a Britain’s strategy to abandon the Falklands for financial reasons. During this expedition, islanders let them very clear that they did not want nothing to do with Argentina. Twelve years later, the war happened and consequently around one thousand people died, nowadays, twenty-five years later Argentina still claims for the islands, although they are occupied and defended by Britain since 1.833, when Argentinean settlers were replaced by British ones. However, successive UD governments considered the British claim to the islands to be weak. But, at the same time, Britain, above all, has the firm decision to defend the islanders’ wishes. · PERSONAL REACTION: Regarding the article entitled “Argentina’s claim on the Falklands is still a good one”, I think that reading it, we could easily come to the conclusion that Argentina has always claimed the right for the Falklands or “Malvinas”, while the settlers never wanted nothing to do with our country. In consequence, the war and all the conflicts between Argentina and Britain were always mainly politic. Even though it could sound “unpatriotic”, my opinion is that the only ones who really matter are just the islanders and not the government issues. Falklands’ war was evidently nonsense, unreasonable war. Because I think that nobody or no government can obligate someone to “feel” their nationality, and unfortunately for Argentina, the falklanders feel, and in fact, they are, totally British. To conclude, it is my opinion that this subject has to have a definitive end for Argentinean governments and accept that we have lost the islands. · VOCABULARY: 1. PERSUADE: to cause someone to do something by being a good reason for doing it. 2. CLAIM: a statement that you have the legal right to something. 3. SEIZE: to take control of a place or situation using military force. 4. LEASEBACK: an agreement in which you continue to use your property after you sell it, while making regular payments to the new owner. 5. SOVEREIGNTY: the right to rule a country.

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